2001 Reunion

Lansing artifacts on display

USS Wisconsin BB64 berthed at Nauticus, The National Maritime Center

Tug Huntington (built 1933) now Tug Boat Museum berthed at Nauticus

Our Hotel

Hospitality Night

Hospitality night

Tour bus-Ron and tour guide


American Rover

Sailboat cruise of Norfolk harbor aboard American Rover

Lansing crew aboard American Rover

Lansing crew aboard American Rover

More American Rover

67th Street Beach club BBQ dinner and Country Western Hoe Down

67th Street Beach club BBQ dinner and Country Western Hoe Down

67th Street Beach club BBQ dinner and Country Western Hoe Down

67th Street Beach club BBQ dinner and Country Western Hoe Down

67th Street Beach club BBQ dinner and Country Western Hoe Down

67th Street Beach club BBQ dinner and Country Western Hoe Down

Fort Monroe

Scene from Fort Monroe

Fort Monroe Moat

Casemate museum Fort Monroe

Fort Monroe

Fort Monroe

Fort Monroe